Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can you say slacker?

Oh has been a while. I have so many pictures and things I need to post about. Mainly, Aidan's cute little preschool graduation and Baylee's 2nd birthday. I will get pics of them up soon. Barry has changed the operating system on my computer and it has made it more difficult for me to upload pics from my camera for some reason. I will get it figured out soon though hopefully. Things have calmed down for us a little bit this summer. We are spending a lot of time outside playing, swimming, and at the zoo. I LOVE summer. I can't believe that Aidan will be starting preschool this fall. It seriously seems like he is way too little. He is thrilled though. My sweet little Baylee turned two on June 22nd. When I took her to her check up with the pediatrician he told me she could passs for a three year old because of how well she talks. It is so weird to hear such a little thing talk like she does but it's so dang cute! She has the cutest personality and seriously captures the spotlight everywhere she goes. I just love that little girl!
My other big news for those of you who may not know yet is that I am pregnant again! I am almost three months and due January 26th. I will have to have another c-section though and my Dr. usually likes to do that about a week early to avoid and labor issues so my due date will probably more like January 19-20th. I can't believe I will be a mother of three. Aidan is thrilled and Baylee is clueless. lol
Well that is a brief overview of what has been going on with me lately. I am sure I am leaving a bunch of stuff out but will post soon with pics!