Thursday, November 19, 2009

I caved.....

I can't believe I am posting this. I have had a lot of people ask me to post some prego pics. Unfortunately I don't take many of them so I don't have many to choose from, which means I don't really get to choose a cute flattering one. Ugh Anyway.....Barry took this picture last weekend before I left for my cousins baby shower. My adorable cousin Summer is having triplets. So crazy, and so exciting! is the belly, the backfat, and the big behind at about 30 weeks pregnant!

Me and my cousin Summer. Is she cute or what?

Remember it is her that is having the triplets. I know this picture is deceiving. What makes it even worse is that she is only due ONE week after me. Um....seriously???? Lol Let's just say I ate a big piece of humble pie this day. Remember.....I have big babies. hahahaha Sheesh

Me and my sister Haley.

My mom, my cousin Allie, and my aunt Betty.

Summer, Me, Haley, my mom, Aunt Betty, and cousin Allie. I wish my cousin Sky and Aunt Marsha had been in this picture.

It was a diaper themed shower which was awesome. Can you imagine the diapers they are going to go through. Let me help you with some math.....
On average they will got through 24-30 diapers a day. Which is over 200 diapers a week. About $50 per week in diapers. Oh my! I think they got enough diapers and wipes to last them a while though and I am soooo excited for them!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ready or not!

I just looked at my blog and was really caught off guard by the little baby counter on the side. As of today I have 69 days left. And that is if I go to my due date which is really unlikely because I have to schedule another c-section. Anyway......holy crap! Physically, this has been the hardest pregnancy by far. With my back issues, my hernia, and being anemic I have been struggling through most of the days. But mentally, I am feeling really unprepared for another one. I think the fact that the last part of my pregnancy falls during the busiest holiday season is stressing me out a bit. I know I don't want to save all my Christmas shopping and everything until the last minute like usual or I will miserable. But I have so much to do that Christmas shopping just doesn't seem to be making the priority list yet. I have so many projects around the house that still need to get done. Barry is traveling again all this week which doesn't help my stress level. I am so grateful that he has such a great job and that I am able to stay home with my kids but the traveling part of his job is not my favorite. It is so hard to juggle the daily stuff with the kids (school, little gym, karate, basketball, Dr. appts, etc.) plus try to get the house organized, plus try to get prepared for the holidays by myself. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes it just doesn't seem possible.
What I do know is that ready or not this baby is coming. I will get done what I can and try not to stress about the rest. I am learning to prioritize a little better and to not get all worked up about things not getting done when I want them to. Things will work out. I just have to stay positive. One thing I can say for sure is that I am soooo lucky to have the family that I have. I don't know how I would do it without them! Thanks to those of you that are always there when I need you. I am not use to having to depend on others so much but know that I wouldn't be able to make it without you!
Ah....I feel a little better. Apparently I needed to vent this morning. lol

Friday, November 6, 2009

Snowbird and Halloween

I am going to start this post with a disclaimer.....This could be the longest post in history. Seriously. Anyway, we love Halloween at our house and it is a good thing because we celebrated it over and over and over this year. We had a busy month but loved every minute of it. We started off by going to Thriller which has become a yearly event for my mom, sisters, cousins, and aunt. The boys came this year though which was a lot of fun. Then my mom had a halloween party complete with bobbing for apples, decorating caramel apples, and carving pumkins. Aidan had a halloween party at his karate studio which turned out great. Then we left for our annual week at Snowbird with Barry's family. For 25 years or so Barry's parents have had a week long time share at the Iron Blosam at Snowbird. A few of his brothers have purchased timeshares the same week so between the whole family I believe we have 7 rooms. I have been able to go for 5 years now and it is something we look forward to every year. His family grows faster than the average family so each year there are more and more Bergs up there and it only makes it more fun. There is usually about 30-40 people a day up there. We usually stay all week and the kids could not be more happy about it! There are more than plenty cousins to play with and I love catching up with the family. Thanks again Dale and Della for the amazing memories and traditions. It is something our family will never forget! We came home Halloween day and went trick-or-treating with our neighbors and the kids friends. They had a blast. Baylee lasted for a while but really liked handing out candy at our house. Aidan lasted a lot longer this year and had a huge bucket of candy to show for it. Like I said this is a ridiculously long post so be prepared for picture overload. :)

Posing in her cute little Halloween outfit!

Trying on the skirt that I made (with a ton of help from my friend Lori) for Baylee for Halloween.

The Thriller crew...minus my aunt Melissa and cousin Allie. We had so much fun!

My cute little witch crashed before my moms Halloween party even started.

My beautiful mom! Baylee HATED those teeth and wouldn't go anywhere near my mom when she had them in. She actually made her throw them in the garbage. lol

Stirring the "witches brew!"

Aidan bobbing for apples.

Aidan on the hunt for the "perfect" pumkin at a cute little pumkin patch.

Baylee is always such a big helper!

It's only getting harder and harder to get a picture with everyone looking at the camera at the same time.

Aidan, there cousin Kyson, and Baylee laying in bed our first night at Snowbird. SO cute!

On the playground at Snowbird. Good thing we took advanage of the nice weather the first day we were there because it snowed the rest of the week.

Playing Bingo is always one of the family's favorite activities while we are there.

Aidan with Brandon, Cayden, Alicia, and Anne playing Bingo.

Me holding my adorable chunky monkey nephew Jacob. He is actually my eigth "great-nephew" on Barry's side. I have 9 and will soon have 11. Is that crazy or what?

Baylee and her cousins Caleb, and Cayden wearing the snowbird shirts they decorated.

Aidan and his friend Blake with the pumkin they carved for the contest.

Baylee and daddy with their pumkin.

This is proof of how much fun Aidan had during the day. I found him sleeping like this. lol Silly boy!

Baylee and Callie waiting to see their big brothers in the school Halloween parade. Unfortunately the boys walked by too fast and I couldn't get a good picture of them.

This year we had some fun craft projects for the kids to do. They made cottonball ghosts, spiders with their handprints, and decorated their own masks.

Aidan and his mask that he decorated.

Baylee loved this project. She sat still longer than I have ever seen before to do this mask.

Trick or treating at the Iron Blosam.

Trick or treating at Aunt Melissa's house on Halloween.

Callie and Baylee Halloween night. These cute little girls have so much fun together

I could not get Aidan to look at me for anything. For some reason the witch behind him was getting all the attention. This is him with his BFF Riley though.

Seriously.....have you ever seen anything so cute?

The Ninja and all his loot!

Too busy eating the candy to pose with it. True Baylee style!

I caught Baylee getting her own cup for a drink. Yikes!