Okay.........so here's what happens when you go three months without blogging. I don't have a real good excuse for going so long. Just busy, procrastinating, and uninterested, lol. So here it goes....the world's longest and most disorganized post ever. This is basically just an overview of what we have been up to this summer. So far we have been busy with weddings, new babies, Aidan's 5th birthday, Baylee's 2nd birthday, karate, swimming lessons, play dates, a new puppy, parades, the 4th of July, bike rides, camping, Yellowstone, and lot's more. Like I said the pictures are all backwards and mixed up but you get the idea.
Also, I have been getting asked about the pregnany.....I am 16 weeks plus a little. We find out on Sept. 9th if it's a boy or a girl. I am doing much better. I had a lot of back issues but have gotten it under control with Physical Therapy and watching my activity.
So get comfortable and get ready for picture overload.
Baylee and my dad at our annual Anderson 24th of July Breakfast up Millcreek canyon.

Have to get a picture of the kids on this rock every year cause I remember always climbing on it when I went to the breakfast as a little girl.

Aidan, Baylee, and friend Cohen feeding the ducks at Wheeler farm.

Going for a wagon ride at Wheeler farm.

Miss Baylee and Miss Kobree laying dress ups. Hopefully Baylee will get better at applying lipgloss.

The princesses playing house with Baylee's kitchen.

One of the many reasons I love having a girl. There is just nothing like watching them play dress ups.

Isn't she just the cutest princess ever?

Aidan doing some karate moves with his sparkler.

Baylee and Nanny (my mom). The fireworks were a little too loud for her.

The most delicious fourth of July cake ever. I was very proud of this cake and it was a huge hit.

Aidan took part in his first parade with his karate school. He did a lot more riding on the trailer than walking but it was a really long parade and he was pooped. he had fun though.

Baylee watching for Aidan during the parade.

It didn't take her too long to figure the parade thing out. She loved chasing all the candy and all the music and pretty floats.

Baylee and daddy at the parade.

Getting ready to walk in the parade.

This is baby Damien. He is my 9th great nephew. He is the son of Barry's niece Annie. Such a cutie.

Baylee chillin in the pool.

Apparently Baylee thought she would cook some malt-o-meal in my Scentsy. Ah....what a mess that was.

Showing me her breakfast creation.

Trying on her birthday high heels for the first time.

Aidan and Baylee with their new second cousin Jacob. So he is the son of their cousin Alicia. (My 8th great nephew) Adorable......I think Baylee and Aidan are going to be big helpers iwth the baby.

Aidan and Baylee with Jacob again. Adorable!

Baylee with her first flowers. Barry brought these home for her on her birthday. She was so excited. She smelled them every single day and would just smile and say "My Fyowas"

Baylee with her flowers that were as big as she is. By the way.....I have no idea what was up with her hair that day.

Baylee after the bike ride. Don't worry that's water in her lap. She didn't pee, lol

getting ready to go for a bike ride.

Aidan and Barry on the tagalong. That thing is sooo much fun!

Baylee with her birthday cake.

Aidan danced the night away at my cousins wedding. So cute!

Baylee was partied out by the end of the night at my cousins wedding.

Me and my beautiful cousin Lindsay at her wedding. Such an amazing night

Cute little dance partners.

Baylee and the beautiful bride.