Well, three Christmas parties down and 1 more to go. It has been so fun. I absolutely love this time of year. It's so fun to spend so much time with family, and to watch the kids excitement. There are so many fun traditions and activities. It seems like I am just consistenly happy around this time of year. These pictures are all out of order but you should be able to figure out what is going on in most of them.
I have decided that more than one visit to Santa may not be the best idea. This was the second time the kids sat on his lap this month and Aidan changes what he asks for eash time. Last time he asked for a magic set. In line for this Santa he decided he wanted a robot. When it was actually his turn he told Santa he wanted a telescope. UGH
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Party Animals
Posted by Stephanie at 12:05 PM 9 comments
Bigger and Better
Well....it's official, Aidan is growing up way too fast. A couple months ago Barry's brother and sister in law told us about a bed that they had that they would like to sell. It has barely been used and is a great bed. I was a little hesitant at first but asked Aidan if he was interested. The main selling point for him was that it came with a desk. He was super excited to do his
"homework" at a desk. He has been in his toddler bed for almost three years now. It is pretty small and he was starting to look a little big for it. He loved it though and truthfully so did I. We decided it was to good of a deal to pass up so we went for it. I was completely surprised by how big it is. It is a double bed but has a big headboard, eight drawers and a secret crawlspace underneath. It takes up his whole room! lol Good news....he loves it! Bad news......the desk won't fit in his room. We are going to have to wait until we move to use the whole set. He sleeps so much better on it, and loves having a big comfy down comforter. He looks like a tiny little peanut in it. I love actually being able to lay in bed with him to read our stories at night. It is a good transition, but just one more reminder that my baby boy isn't a baby anymore. Aidan with his cute little Thomas the Train toddler bed one last time.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Adorable Little Messy Face!
This is what Baylee looke like after every single meal. I am pretty sure she does it on purpose because she know's she will get a bath. This meal was particularly messy. Apparently she decided her bowl made a better accessory than dish. She was having so much fun that I had to fight the urge to stop her and get her out of her highchair. Instead I decided to take pictures. She was a disaster but I sure got some cute pictures!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:35 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Goodbye Johnson and Johnson!
Posted by Stephanie at 1:33 PM 9 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wow....what a fun and delicious week we have had. We started celebrating last weekend with Barry's family. We spent Thanksgiving day with my family, and my aunt, uncle, grandma, and cousins. Last night I had 20 friends at my house for our 7th annual "Friends Thanksgiving." Needless to say we have eaten our fair share of turkey this week. It was so much fun to get to spend time with our friends and family and be reminded just how lucky we are. I really do feel blessed to have the family and life that I have. Thanks to everyone wo celebrated with us, and I hope it was a great day for the rest of you!

Aidan and Baylee sported their Utes shirts at Barry's family party because it was the day of the big game. Almost Barry's entire family is BYU fans so Aidan was getting harassed all day, but if you saw the game you know who got the last laugh. GO UTES!!!

Posted by Stephanie at 1:17 PM 2 comments