Holy cow...I can't believe it's been so long since I posted, and if it weren't for my Dad's prodding it probably would have been a while longer before I got to it. Thanks for the motivation Dad. As soon as Christmas was over I pretty much spent 2 weeks recovering and doing nothing! It was great! Christmas was amazing this year. We had so many fun parties to go to, and spent so much time with family it was awesome. For Christmas Eve we did the same thing we always do. My mom, brother and sister all came over and we made homeade pizza. Then we read The Polar express and had root beer floats, and opened jammies. Aidan was so excited that he had a very hard time sleeping, which means we all did. We really probably only got about two hours in, but it was worth it! Christmas morning was amazing. The only problem was that I over did it again this year, as usual. Halfway through opening presents Aidan started complaining that he was tired and didn't want to open any more presents. He just wanted to play with what he had opened. Aidan got the Robot that he asked for, a Tag reading system, digital camera, a bunch of games, clothes, and a tool set to name a few. Baylee got her first doll house, dolls, a tea set, shopping cart and play food, clothes, jewlery and jewlery box and who know what else, lol. They had a lot of fun and made it a very special Christmas for us. I am still trying to recover. I still ahve new toys strung out all over the place, and just barely put my tree down two days ago. Hopefully I will get it all under control soon. Hope you all had a great holiday and happy New Year. Just a fair warning...their is a ton of pictures.
This is Aidan and the pizza he made. He looks forward to it every year. This year I was super fancy and made homeade dough and sauce. It made a big difference. They were great!

Baylee in her new Jammies on Christmas Eve. She is such a little cheeser!

Aidan in his new jammies on Christmas Eve.

This year Aidan insisted that we leave a "gorilla bar" aka granola bar, and carrots for Santa and the Reindeer. He wanted to give Santa something healthy so that he would have enough energy to get to all the houses. What a little sweetie!

This is what it looked like after Santa came. Holy crap their were a lot of presents.

At 5:30 on Christmas morning. Baylee not feeling to photogenic apparently. Just waiting to go see what Santa brought.

Aidan with his amazing robot. He absolutely loves this toy. It is pretty sweet!

Baylee trying to peek at the doll as Aidan helps her unwrap it.

Baylee wore this vest for a while. She is such a girl. She loves getting dressed and putting on shoes and jewlery. She walks around saying "tute?" (cute)

And this is after the Christmas tornado. I straightened the present about twenty times to get a picture but could never get back before it was destroyed again.

This is Baylee in the hat that my sister knitted for her. She loves it. Barry was throwing her in the air right before this picture and she is cracking up! I love it!

This is the real tool set that Nanny gave to Aidan. It comes with everything! He wears it constantly and is always trying to find things "to work on" The tools are all real, the are jsut smaller so it's a little scary to have him walking around with a real hammer and pliers. Atleast he has safety goggles though. lol