I just looked at my blog and was really caught off guard by the little baby counter on the side. As of today I have 69 days left. And that is if I go to my due date which is really unlikely because I have to schedule another c-section. Anyway......holy crap! Physically, this has been the hardest pregnancy by far. With my back issues, my hernia, and being anemic I have been struggling through most of the days. But mentally, I am feeling really unprepared for another one. I think the fact that the last part of my pregnancy falls during the busiest holiday season is stressing me out a bit. I know I don't want to save all my Christmas shopping and everything until the last minute like usual or I will miserable. But I have so much to do that Christmas shopping just doesn't seem to be making the priority list yet. I have so many projects around the house that still need to get done. Barry is traveling again all this week which doesn't help my stress level. I am so grateful that he has such a great job and that I am able to stay home with my kids but the traveling part of his job is not my favorite. It is so hard to juggle the daily stuff with the kids (school, little gym, karate, basketball, Dr. appts, etc.) plus try to get the house organized, plus try to get prepared for the holidays by myself. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes it just doesn't seem possible.
What I do know is that ready or not this baby is coming. I will get done what I can and try not to stress about the rest. I am learning to prioritize a little better and to not get all worked up about things not getting done when I want them to. Things will work out. I just have to stay positive. One thing I can say for sure is that I am soooo lucky to have the family that I have. I don't know how I would do it without them! Thanks to those of you that are always there when I need you. I am not use to having to depend on others so much but know that I wouldn't be able to make it without you!
Ah....I feel a little better. Apparently I needed to vent this morning. lol