When I married Barry I became an aunt for the first time. Not to one, two, or three, kids but to 16! Yes, sixteen nieces and nephews. I was really happy about this, and love them all dearly. Barry is ten years older than me, and the second to youngest of six boys. Because of this some of his siblings have kids that are much older than ours. This means that not only do I have a nephew that is only one week younger than me, but that I get to be close with a lot of them because I am more similiar in age than the rest of their aunts and uncles. I love all of them, and have really enjoyed getting to know them better. It also means that many of them are getting married and having children of their own. I am so happy about that because most of Barry's siblings are done having kids. Aidan was the first grandchild in 7 years. He got everyone's attention for about three years!!! Luckily though their wasn't a baby shortage for too long! Around the time Baylee was born their was a baby boom! Within about 5 months their were 6 babies born. I dare you to try to say these names 6 times fast! Gavin, Caden, Kyson, Kyler, Baylee, Kaleb. Since then we have had two more babies. Taylee was born a few months ago, meaning that Baylee was no longer the only girl. And yesterday our 8th baby Berg was born. As of last night they had yet to choose a name. I love having all these cute little ones running around at our monthly family parties and am so happy my kids will have all these cousins to run around with. I just still have a hard time believing that at age 28, I am an Aunt to 16, and a GREAT-aunt to 7! I guess us Berg's are all doing our part to replenish the earth. Love you all!!!
I love this picture. This is five of the six that are really close in age. Starting with Baylee, then going to the right it is.....Baylee, Kyson, Caden, Kyler, and Kaleb. SO cute. The only one missing from this picture was Gavin because they live in Arizona.

Baylee and Kyler, these two seem to end up by each other all the time at parties. Kyler is jsut one month older.

Baylee and Kyler again.

Baylee and Taylee.

Baylee and Kyler again....and thrilled!

Kyson and Baylee.