Anyone that really knows Aidan, knows that he is extremely sensitive. I am constantly surprised by his ability to be so sympathetic and loving to other people when they are sad or hurt. But Friday night he surprised me again.
We were having our regular family movie night and I decided that we were going to watch Annie. I grew up watching this show and it has always been one of my favorites. Aidan loved it as well, and was sitting on my lap watching it. Towards the end, when Annie leaves with her "parents" and her and Daddy Warbucks are singing that song about how "She was almost my baby.....maybe", you know what I am talking about right? Anyway, Aidan turns to me and is bawling. Full on tears and he is really upset, and says "That's a sad song Mom!" I was in shock. Barry and I looked at eachother for a minute because we were so surprised that he had been that affected. So I paused it and asked him what made him so sad and he just said "I don't know it just makes me feel sad. Daddy Warbucks really loves her huh?" I got teary too because I couldn't believe that a four year old had the capacity to understand what was really going on and to be so affected by it. I told him we better watch the end because it's a happy ending. He was very relieved when they ended up together.
I just had to write this down because it's one of those things I don't ever want to forget. I am so proud of Aidan and his ability to be so loving and thoughtful. He is the sweetest little boy and I know he is always going to be that way. I think it's a great character trait, and I love that he is my little Tender Heart!
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Little Tender Heart
Posted by Stephanie at 9:29 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mexican Rivierra Cruise!
Well.......back to reality for me after a week on a fabulous cruise. My mom, my sister Haley, and I went on a cruise to the Mexican Rivierra. I had never been on a cruise before so it was well beyond my expectations. It was also the first time I had been away from my kids for that long. My amazing husband took a week of vacation to stay home with them so that I could go. He took such great care of them, and the kids really enjoyed spending a whole week with their daddy! I am the luckiest girl in the world. We left last Saturday and spent three days cruising to Puerta Vallarta. Just spending time laying by the pool was a treat because I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself and could just lay their and do nothing, which is something I haven't done for a long time. The food was unbelievable and never ending. I had heard that the food was great but it was much better than i had expected. Let's just say my clothes weren't fitting the same towards the end of the week, ugh! The first stop we made was in Puerta Vallarta. My mom has a friend that has a vacation home there and invited us to come spend the day with him. His condo was amazing! I seroiusly felt like I was on Lifestyles of The Rich And Famous. Then the next day we were in Mazatlan, where we did the traditional shopping and beach day. We rode in a cool little buggy around town and got a reality check. The way people are living there is extremely humbling. We were hounded like crazy on the beach by vendors, but it is all part of the experience. On Thursday we wre in Cabo San Lucas, which was my favorite port. We went on a snorkeling excursion and had an amazing time! Our tour guides were a blast. It was my first time snorkeling and I loved it. Then on the way back we got a surprise treat and saw three whales playing for about 20 min. They literally gave us a show and it was incredible. We couldn't believe how long they stayed in one spot and entertained us. The last two days on the way back were hard. They were still a lot of fun, there is always plenty to do on the ship, but at that point I was defintely ready to get home to my family. I want to tell my mom thank you for such an amazing trip. I had an amazing time with her and my sister and will remember it forever! It was a much needed break, but also a good reminder of how lucky I am to be able to be a stay at home mom and spend so much time with my kids. I am so happy to be home, and appreciating all the little things a lot more. Here Haley and I are on the flight to Long Beach to board the ship. In case any of you haven't flown into Long Beach before, let me just warn you that it is a tiny airport. The terminal is literally a double wide trailer.

Posted by Stephanie at 1:35 PM 10 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
I got this from Danyette, it looked like fun so here you go.
I excited about my cruise. I leave in five days!
I get a nice tan and get out of this snow!
I HAVE...everything I ever wanted and more.
I KEEP...clothes for ever. Even when they don't fit and are way out of style . Mostly I hate to go through them and get rid of things.
I WISH I COULD...hire someone to clean my house once a week.
I HATE...the smell of belly buttons and earing gunk. lol Nasty I know.
I FEAR...loosing someone I love.
I HEAR...Barry watching House.
I DON'T THINK...I will ever get caught up with laundry.
I REGRET...nothing, honestly.
I LOVE...spending time with my family.
I AM NOT...excited to see the snow when I wake up in the morning.
I DANCE...with Baylee to Barney on a regular basis.
I SING...along to every song I am listening to, whether I know it well or not. I can't help it.
I NEVER...get tired of listening to my kids laugh.
I RARELY...get tired of ice cream.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH...Extreme Home Makeover, oh okay pretty much anything, lol.
I AM NOT my p.j's, I promise. lol.
I HATE's not spring yet.
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT...the state of our economy.
I get a crap load of stuff done this week before I leave.
I SHOULD...quit blogging and start working on that crapload, lol.
Everyone who wants to should try it!! Write down the 1st thing that comes to your mind.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Bunch of Randomness
Well February has come and gone, and I am officially declaring myself a blogging slacker. I don't know what I have been so busy with but I couldn't even bring myself to upload the 168 pictures that have been sitting on my digital camera. After I finally did that tonight I realized I would have to do about 15 different posts to cover all the different things we had done. So.....I am just going to post a whole BUNCH of pictures from the last month or so. Get ready for an onslaught of pictures. lol Anyway, we have been having a great time. The kids are doing awesome. Aidan is staying busy with karate and preschool, will be starting baseball in about a month, and was just officially enrolled in kindergarten which is killing me. Baylee continues to be my daily challenge, and my daily sunshine at the same time. She is absolutely hilarious. She has a new found love of Barney and insists on watching it daily much to my disliking. She sings and dances with all the songs though which makes it not only tolerable but adorable. Well enjoy the pictures, and I hope I don't overwhelm you. This is Aidan and his "girlfriend" Eri at their Preschool Valentine party.I had no idea that little crushes developed so early. It's been a little scary, but adorable at the same time.

My little cheeser! I just realized that I posted a ton more pictures of Baylee. Not because I don't like pictures of Aidan.....just because he never seems to be around when I am taking pictures. He's a little to cool to pose for my pictures these days!
Posted by Stephanie at 10:04 PM 8 comments