We just got back from a four day trip to Seattle. Actually we were in Sequim but not very many people know where that is ( a ferry ride and couple hour drive) so it's just easier to say Seattle. Anyway, we had an absolutely great vacation and owe a big fat thank you to my mom and Kelly! The reason for the trip is that my mom and her fiance have a new sailboat that they dock in Sequim. Throughout the summer they have been making trips out there every couple weeks and really wanted us to come see the boat and where they have been spending so much time. We were able to turn it into a big family vacation and my brother and sister went along with my family. We had a busy couple days but enjoyed every minute of it! There are a ton of pics but I had a hard time choosing. The bumer is that my camera died two days into the trip and I didn't get any pics the last two days....ugh!
The kids on the airplane on the way out. It was Baylee's first time and she did great. Aidan has flown a couple times and loves it!

This in when we first got there right befor we got on the ferry. Lucky this fog didn't last too long. The kids had a great time on the ferry though.

This is their amazing sailboat. It's like the ferrari of sailboats. lol We took a little joy cruise the first day we got there, but all of the boys (excpet for Aidan thank goodness) got to go on a super fast, wild ride in a crazy wind storm that hit. They had a blast but I know I would have had a heart attack!

Daddy and Baylee on the dock, waiting to get on the boat.

I love this picture. Baylee sure does love her Nanny.

Aidan got a chance to steer the boat with the remote control. Is that crazy or what? I had no idea they could be steered by remotes now.

Haley chillin on the boat.

We stayed in the most amazing beach house with my brother and sister. The only problem was that Baylee loved playing with everyone so much that she had a really hard getting to sleep and staying asleep. This is how she finally fell asleep late one night.

A picture of a crab that I saw crawling up one of the poles on the dock. It was so much fun to see all the little sea creatures that we never get to see, like starfish, sunfish, jellyfish, seals, and tons of clams and crabs.

A picture of the beach during low tide. We liked to go out and look at all the shells and clams and crabs in the morning when we could actually walk along the beach. During high tidethe water goes clear up into the trees.

Aidan holding one of the baby crabs he found.

Not the best picture of Baylee but she is still super cute.

We bought Aidan a little pirate book and it came with a bandana, eye patch and compass that he wore forever. lol

These are the steps that we would have to climb up and down in order to get from our house to the beach.

A really cool lighthouse. We wanted to walk out to it but it's five miles one way. Bummer!

The whole gang at a little restraunt called "Three Crabs" that we ate lunch at. Yummy!

This is Scott's friend Steve that came with us. He and Baylee became good buddies. She is such a little flirt already!

We went for a really pretty walk down to a cool beach area. The walk was so fun and pretty!

My mom, Kelly and the kids at the beach that we walked down to. The kids had so much fun playing in the sand, picking up sticks, and running from the waves.

The kids in their hididng spot.

Aidan loved walking into the ocean and waiting for the waves and then screaming like a little girl and running from them. After a while he fell and got drenched from head to toe. The water is freezing but he didn't care!

Even soaking wet he kept going and going!

So.....we went to Olympic animal park. It is one of those places where all the animals are loose and you can feed them bread. They come get it from inside your car if they have too. It was hilarious. Aidan and Baylee were in this car with my mom and Kelly. I was in the second one with Barry, Scott, Haley, and Steve. Scott was insane and thought it was hilarious to get as many animals to stick their heads in our car as possible. I was a little freaked out, especially by the bison. We were told to NOT stop because the animals would ram your car. Seriously? We fed Zebras, bears, buffalo, llamas, Elk, and peacocks just to name a few. Unfortunately this is when my camera died but I got a few pics that will show you just how close some of them got. Even though I thought I was goign to have a heart attack I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.
Thanks again mom and Kelly for such an amazing trip. We had so much fun and will always remember this trip! can't wait til we can go back!