So, last year I had my first canning experience. I spent a day canning peaches and decided that day that canning is not something I will ever be doing at my house, or by myself. This year my mother in law asked if anyone was interested in helping can grape juice. I have been stealing grape juice from them for years so thought I should do my part to replenish the stock. ( I had also been told that it was a lot easier than peaches!) So I went to my in-laws house last Thursday, along with my niece Alicia. We spent a while picking grapes from the rows and rows of vines in their garden. Meanwhile, Baylee and my nephew Caden were planted at the buckets eating them as fast as we could pick them. I am not exagerating when I say that Baylee probably ate well over a pound of them. I kept trying to get her out of them but then she would just hide in the vines and pick them herself. She is such a cute little pig! So then it came time to make juice. The process goes something like this....wash a sinkful of grapes three times, put them in the steamer contraption thingie, wait about thirty minutes, get a jar of juice, wait 15 minutes and get a jar of juice, wait 15 more minutes, get a jar of juice. Empty the steamer and start again. I quickly learned it is NOTHING like canning peaches. There is a whole lot of waiting and it is a long process. We spent 11 hours that day and got 34 jars. We also went back up on Tues. and spent another 7 hours or so and got about 20 more jars. It was fun to spend time with the family and learn how to make it. I also have a whole bunch of the best grape juice ever. I will definitly can again, but only with fun company and someone to entertain the kids. This is a look at a small portion of the vines we picked grapes from. And yes that is Baylee getting into the grapes.

Wow, what an accomplishment. I guess I need to jump on the band wagon and learn how to do all this canning stuff! That is great.....
I think making grape juice sucks! I only lasted about 3 hours when I was helping my dad. I took 1/2 the jars home anyway. :)
My mom use to make homemade grape juice all the time when we were young. I remember it was a very long and messy process for sure! There's nothing like the taste though-- YUM!
If we wait long enough will it turn into wine?
I want to scrapbook those adorable photos of Baylee and the grapes.
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