So......keeping my house clean is a daily struggle. I spend a lot of time every single day cleaning. Usually I get my kitchen and front room (where we spend most of our time) done first and I am very lucky to get anything else done. It's not because my house is huge, it's not because I am a slow cleaner. It's because I usually have one kid going ahead of me and making a mess, and then another going right behind me making a mess. I really don't know if I will ever figure out how to keep my whole house clean. Especially because Baylee is my destructo! She loves to empty out the bottom of all of our dresser drawers and spread the clothes all over the place. She also likes to get all the tupperware out of the kitchen cabinet. So I decided to document a few examples of my problem the other day while I was cleaning. This day was especially bad because of the magnitude of the messes they made. I was working on some stuff downstairs and heard a bunch of noise in Aidan's room. I didn't go check because at my house noise isn't out of the ordinary. It's when the kids are quiet that I worry. Anyway, After a half an our or so I went upstairs to see what Aidan was up too. Apparently he got a wild hair and decided it was time to reorganize the furniture. I can't accurately describe the mess so see the pictures below. Then after cleaning his room and the rest of the upstairs I came walking downstairs and smelled season salt lie crazy. It was then that I learned that Baylee couln not only reach the spice drawer but also open bottles. Yeah! The pictures are just a small example of some of my surprises each day. Just in case any of you ever come over to my house and it's a mess, it's not because I don't care or's because I have two cute little monsters!Here are my two monsters in the morning watching cartoons together. They look so sweet. I am pretty sure they are secretly planning how to cause trouble though, as soon as I walk away.
So here was my first surprise. Does he look remorseful to you?

I am so glad that I am not the only one that this happens to. However your mess this day is pretty crazy.
I hate to tell you this, but the messes get worse the older they get. The twins' last mess was whole pakage of sugar mixed with food coloring and water, poured into every bowl in the kitchen. They were just making cupcakes.LOl
I'm glad you took pictures because I don't think you could have described that!
I feel your pain, it's a never ending process! I love the pictures!
It's good to see that other mom's feel this way too! Although, I haven't had to clean up spices yet!!!
Wow. Way to go Aidan. Sheesh. And I was complaining about Moon Sand (which I HATE).
Oh, the joy of having kids
Wow steph! Kids are wonderful aren't they? Ya love em, but they can get into so much trouble in so little time. And yet, we still wouldn't trade it for anything. It's part of the joys of motherhood!"
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