My mom and I took the kids to the zoo last weekend while Barry was home studying. We knew that we probably didn't have too many nice weather weekends left so we wanted to take advantage of it. The kids had so much fun. I would think they would get bored after going so often but they seem to have more fun each time. Aidan spent most of the day running around and kept saying things like "I have lot's of energy because I excercise." And, "Look at me, I am fast like an ostrich." I also realized he does a great penguin impersonation. He can seriously keep anyone laughing. I also found that Baylee's favorite animals at the zoo are the giraffes. I don't think we made it down that far the last time I took her, and my mom and I were completely shocked by her reaction. She kept saying "Whoaaaaa", and loved imitating them eating the leaves of the trees. She was stretching her neck and sticking her tongue out. It took us a minute to realize what she was doing, but it was adorable. She was not happy when we were ready to move on. We were however able to make it up to her with an icecream cone. I think that might have been a favorite for both of them. We really had so much fun. We absolutely love spending time with my mom, aka...Nanny. The kids adore her. Thanks mom for the fun weekend! Hope you enjoy all the pictures. There are a lot but there were so many cute one's it was hard to pick. Look how excited Nanny was. Atleast someone listens to me when I say SMILE!!!

How fun!!! I am jealous. Brayd & I have never taken the girls to the zoo. We are seriously so LAME!!!
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