I am so lucky! Not only do I have the cutest kids in the world, I have an amazing photographer for a cousin who is willing to pack up a SUV full of equipment, and her two year old, and drive from Grantsville to do a photo shoot for me! We did this when Mason was 10 days old. The big kids weren't in the mood and weren't exactly cooperative as you will see from the fake smiles they are sporting, but I think we got some cute shots none the less. Mason was more alert than he had been before so he presented a little bit of a challenge as well but he was a trooper. We got some super cute pictures and I had so much fun with my cuz! Thanks Emily......you really are the best.
By the way......if any of you are looking for a great photographer let me know and I will get you her info. You can also check out her blog for some more of the pics she has taken. Her blog is in my blog list under Ron and Emily.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
So lucky!
Posted by Stephanie at 10:14 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
One week already!
I really can't believe Mason is already one week old. I think that knowing that this is my last baby is making me want time to stqand still. I really want him to stay little forever. He is such a good baby. We are all just loving him to pieces. We cam home last Saturday and I was so ready! It was so great to get him home and finally introduce him to his anxious big brother and sister. They were sooooo excited to meet him. They are both great helpers and so interested in what he is doing all the time. Baylee absolutely loves to get me diapers, wipes, binkies, and help me drink water while I am nursing. Aidan loves to hold him and read to him. Barry is still on vacation so he has been able to be home with us and has been such a big help. The recovery from this c-section has been harder than the other two for some reason so I have really relied on him and he has been amazing! I really don't want him to go back to work. I also have to say thank you to my parents, and Barry's parents, along with my friends and neighbors who have brought meals and helped with the kids and so much more. I really am lucky to have such awesome support!
We are just loving this guy to pieces and my heart could not be more happy! Getting ready to leave the hospital.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:42 PM 7 comments
Daddy of the year!
There is something undeniably special about a daddy and his little girl. I absolutely love to watch Barry with his little princess. I have been telling him for a long time that he is in big trouble when she gets a little older because he CANNOT tell her no and she knows it. Well yesterday Baylee asked him to paint her nails. Barry was happy to do it. The surprise twist came when she insisted that she paint his afterwards. Sure enough, he let her! lol A couple of toes on each foot anyway. They are so cute together and nothing makes my heart happier than watching them do things like this together.
On a side note......Barry had to go to the back Dr. today and was sent to get an MRI. That means that he had to get in a gown twice and both times the doctors found it quite funny that he had bright pink toenails. lol
Posted by Stephanie at 4:31 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
He's Here!

We are so happy to welcome little Mason to the world. He is absolutely perfect and couldn't be cuter. He looks just like his big brother Aidan. Our day started by getting to the hospital at 6:00 a.m. I was prepped and ready to go for our scheduled time of 7:30. Things started right on time and moved very quickly. He was born
Posted by Stephanie at 12:41 AM 16 comments