A couple weeks ago I met up with my good friend Danyette and her cute little kids at the mall in Orem. We don't get to do it nearly enough but she is moving to Nashville soon so we wanted to get together before she left. Our moms are good friends and they came too so it was a lot of fun. It was also very helpful because we had five kids and they were quite a handful. We went to dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen, then into the mall and did a little shopping. My mom bought them all a little toy in the Disney store. We were ready to call it quits after a few more stops. It was really good to see her though, and the kids were all so cute together. Aidan is in between her two oldest girls in age, and our baby girls are only two weeks apart. Even though I don't get to see Danyette as much as I would like I will sure miss her when she goes. We still talk quite often on the phone and it's always good to talk to her and swap stories. Danyette and I have been friends for longer than I remember, and spent two awesome years together at Snow College. We had so many fun times and I have so many great memories with her! Just wanted to wish you and your family luck Danyette. Love you!!! Baylee and Mya at Dinner. Baylee was trying to hug and kiss Mya the whole time. So cute!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Good Luck Danyette
Posted by Stephanie at 10:43 PM 1 comments
I was tagged by my cousin Emily a while ago and keep forgetting to do it. I don't want to be a party pooper, so here it is. Better late than never right?
5 Things on my list to do today:
1. Take Aidan to swimming (did that already)
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Mow the lawn
4. Unpack the camping trailer. (Ugh!!!)
5. Laundry-just like every other day
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Dt. Mountain Dew with lime
2. Fruit
3. wheat thins
4. Chips
5. Ice cream
5 Things I would do if I was a sudden Billionare:
1. Build a new house with my OWN craft room
2.Buy a few new toys like fourwheelers and a boat
3.Put plenty aside for the kids for college
4. Travel with the family all over the place
5. Help out any of my friends and family that need it, and donate to charity
5 Bad Habits:
1. Not hanging up my clean laundry, and letting it sit in a stack too long.
3. Planning to many things and getting myself too busy.
4. Not eating breakfast
5. Slurpees or sno-cones every chance I get
5 Places I have lived:
1. Ephraim, UT
2. Salina, UT
3. Salt Lake, UT (Like 8 different houses)
4. West Jordan, UT
5 jobs I have had:
1. Lotsa Motsa Pizza
2. Housecleaning
3. Mountain Land Physical Therapy
4. 1-800-Patches
5. Slumber Parties
5 things most people don't know about me:
1. I get really grumpy when I get too hungry
2. I am NOT a morning person at all.
3. I can't stand being home too much. I like to be on the go.
4. I love reality TV
5. I love naps. I would take one every day if I could.
Now tag your it: Lori, Lindsey, Suz, Tiff, Jess
Posted by Stephanie at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy 1st B-day Baylee
It's hard to believe our sweet little girl is one year old. The time has really gone so fast. What a fun year it has been though. She is truly the happiest and sweetest girl. Everyone that spends any time around her is amazed with her personality. She can light up a room in no time. She started walking a couple weeks ago and has provided me with the new challenge of chasing after two mobile kids. That also explains the big scrap on her cute little nose. She did a face plant in the parking lot the other day. Poor little stinker. I think she had a really fun birthday and is really enjoying her new toys. I have to say though it really didn't come as much of a surprise to us that her favorite part was probably eating birthday cake. The girl can eat! I don't think I can even accurately explain just how much this little girl likes to eat. I have no idea where she puts it, but she out eats Aidan by atleast 4 times every single meal. She got to dig into cake two nights in a row because we had two celebrations and she made the best of it both times.
Playing with her new fun little kitchen set she got. It's so cute, and has a bunch of sounds and music.
Cute little princess wondering why I keep calling her name and asking her to smile.
This little toy is a ball popper thingie that Aidan had at one point when he was younger. He loved it so I thought she would, and I was right. I took video of them today playing together with it and it cracked me up. They were laughing so hard and chasing the balls all over. Cute!!
She is always this happy when she is eating but was extra happy to be eating yummy chocolate cake.

Posted by Stephanie at 10:04 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day Camping Trip
We spent Father's Day weekend camping at Strawberry Reservoir. We really like to go camping together and that was all Barry wanted to do for Father's Day so I was happy to oblige. I am so lucky to have Barry as my husband and know that my kids have the best Daddy ever. We love him so much and I know there isn't anything that any of us would rather do than spend time with him and together as a family. The weekend was a lot of fun. My mom came up and joined us and I am so glad she did. Mostly because we all love spending time with her, but also it was nice to have an extra pair of hands. Baylee is so busy now that she is walking, (and falling a lot) and was constantly trying to eat dirt. It was her first real camping trip but she sure had a good time. As for Aidan, he of course didn't want to leave. He is completely content to play in the dirt and with sticks, but the fourwheeler, and fishing doesn't hurt either. We took his bat and balls and used paper plates for bases and played a little game of baseball which he loved. Here are some of the pics of our trip. I know there is a lot but I really don't know any of the fancy ways to post them so bear with me.
Daddy and Aidan on the fourwheeler. By the way Aidan loves this helmet and wears it just to ride his bike in the neighborhood.
Getting ready to go fishing with his Spiderman fishing pole and tackle box, or as Aidan calls it his "Taco Box."
Baylee did a face plant off of her camping chair. It was really sad but I had the camera in my hand when it happened and I couldn't resist getting a pic. Poor little stinker!

Posted by Stephanie at 9:29 PM 7 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tee-Ball Time

Posted by Stephanie at 9:56 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Aidan's last day of preschool
I can't believe that Aidan has already finished one year of preschool. This year he went to a preschool just around the corner from our house. He absolutely loved it, and I loved being able to walk him to and from. It was also great because his best buddy Riley who lives two houses down from us was in his class. They thought they needed to play after preschool every single day. They absolutely love playing together. Riley's mom and I Jaycee have also gotten very close and his little sister Callie is about 6 months older than Baylee so it is a lot of fun. My favorite thing was watching him run through the gate every day and look at the fish in the pond before he went downstairs to the class. I hope I never forget how cute that was. He changed so much this year and I can't wait for all the fun things that are to come with him. He is such a super smart and fun little boy. I went to his last day for a minute to take some pictures of his class. The other pictures below were taken while Jaycee and I and the two little girls waited for the kids to get out of class. Baylee and Riley's little sister Callie. They are gonna be great friends. They are so cute together.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:24 PM 2 comments